The Dr. is in!
I don't mind reusing objects, but the sorting drives me nuts!
When Mail servers go postal
Do you think we've overdone the metaphor
Agents on the web
Ok, here's the primary domain server, and we'll be running TCP/IP to the clients…
Distributed Objects on the Web
Hello Legacy Maintenance
Project management isn't that hard, with the right tools of course
I understand the list is important, but the network is down.
Well I'll be, some kid hacked himself out of the Bad List
Y'know that old saw about 10,000 monkeys and Shakespeare? I just updated the idea.
Jack, we need to discuss your network security
After Careful analysis, I can identify only one pattern.
Intranet, Fast, Secure, Easy
Yeah, it looks like Information Overload alright,
18 months of work to break our applications into distributed modules, and now I can't remember why
Hamburger Bill
Dr Zook's Y2K solution
That fat web guy that always sits next to you…
Replication Services Group, may we help you
Object Testing
When Little Java grows up
Bills Objects won't talk to mine.
Making money the old fashioned way
Test Test Test
I've gotta take this, it's a remote procedure call
Hey Harv, your object broker's on the phone
I don't know why they keep trying to explain technical stuff to management
when are we going to make money
Yes, the stars are in perfect alignment for a debugging session.
It must be a guy thing, it does the transaction but it won't commit
Where the chips in your head are made
I can't hear you
John, I think this project's getting to you
Before we start with the design of our system, please take a blindfold.
The DOC Party
The Event Driven Paradigm
Heh Heh Heh
Mother of all Windows 98 books Website
Fat Pepper
Migrant Tech Workers
Watson, Come here.
I'm sorry you're not in the zone, but we have to get a product out.
Viacom? Why not a corba
My boy, the future is components
Looks like the Audio Feed is down again!
Woody Icon
Mild mannered barry
Billy 98
I hate bootstrapping these legacy machines
Woody Walking - for Wopr Website
Y'know OM, you really ought to check that line sometime
RF Sniffer
Don't overload the transmitter
No ground problems here
Here's a choke that will fix the whole problem
FB, but I still don't see how polarizing my antenna's will fix my TVI problem
Oh, No, here it goes again
Ever since that family moved into the old addams house, I've been getting strange QRM every night
Hurry before he discovers this path
Assembler School
Basic for Comfort, Assembler for speed
The Register family
Jump on not equal
Memory in the 8088
PC Interrupts
The AH Register is the doorman for Interrupt 21h
The Base pointer and Stack Pointer registers
Segmented Registers (AX = AH/AL)
The AX register
Spaghetti code?
The Stack
Accessing variables on the stack with BP
Jump on Sign
Using a CMP to test a variable can slow you down
Basic Fixed Length strings
set the direction on mov string byte
Basic Huge Arrays
BX Base Register
CX - The Count Register
LEA - Load Effective Address (get both segment and offset)
Adding a little assembler to the receipe
Calling Print Screen
The Do It All key
Using link to create an executable
Roll up your sleeves and write some code
Some publications of the past
Competition Cooker Label
Hold on a second while I check the solutions database
Sheesh, middleware people
When Good Quakers Go Bad (logo for Al Poors Quaker Band)
Look John, skip the rest of the PowerPoint and get to the demo
Web Shoe Store
Ebay 100,000 years bc
Streaming Media
Nerd E-Commerce conspiracy
And I always thought it was a guy thing
Virtual Reality
The Laptop Demo
Hey Man, aren't you going to shoot me so I can sue for some REAL Money!
For Pete's sake Bill, use the Zoom feature!
That's not a good sign, Dude.
Bug School
Midnight Computer Supply
Squirrel Server 2000
Lady Liberty 21st Century Edition
I'm going for about $10k at Southeby's, how about you?
Blow the Whistle!
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Natural Born Hackers
Modem Animal
Zero Latency
And this model is 100% Y2K complient
High Score!
Bill (Bully) Gates at the battle of Capital Hill!
The Windows 95 Boot sequence
Don't worry folks, repairs are almost done
This doesn't look promising
His Masters Code
I was looking through my husband's bookmarks and Victoria's not so secret anymore!
Here's our manager model, it looks great but doesn't do anything
Poke it with a stick!
You can't polish a turd…
The City Walk
Y'know honey, sometimes I miss the bickering
If the internet business model were applied to real life
Whadda ya mean, potato, potato, potato…
Privacy Man!
Yes we discussed it…
I'm thinking about having a few bronzed
I said shave, not aftershave!
Hah Hah Hah!!!
Ok, who's got the map?
Here's the plan, we lay low for a year, then go.
Honey, I think I should lay off the ice pack for a while…
Honey, I'm sure the doctor stiched it tight enough not to leak…
Hey, Harry, where's the semen analysis forms?
Sorry, we'll need another sample, this time without saliva…
Honest, I'll show you the scar!
After everything I went through, now she has a headache!
Trick or treat, it's all the same to me…
Ah, no computers…", "You can say that again!
Drinkin' from the firehose
Rush hour: Evansville, IN
Trick or Treat Friendly
Every Tom, Dick, and cat has Help (inside joke…)
Professor Poor's HDTV Guides
Cinephiles Cover (U of Bridgeport Film School Newsletter)
Airbrush Camera poster (unpublished)
Eye diagram
Caricature of Rory from Carl Franklin's site (who's Rory?)
Rough caricature for Martell (never used)
Robin for a surplus website
Caricature of Michael Miller used for Browser Bob article
A bad day on the highway
Couch Potato
Going Mobile!
When Pigs Fly
Percoset Haze
Send out for software
I hope we don't look back at these as the good old days
The rats are jumping from the ship
Look, I can't bring you any assignments, you'll have to call your editor!
Clear out aisle 3 and setup the printer testing
father time
javaman then and now
There goes the neighborhood
DOJ coming through
Flamingo Air
All about the bass
Cool mouse
Gate's Motel
Jeff's sunrise
lighthouse on the cape
Mouse ball
Go OJ!
Goin' to work
Over the road trucker ad
Old secretary
Spread it evenly now girls
I don't get this bacon thing
Still life faucet
Goth cow
Dupont Discovers Nylon
What Turkeys that make it past Thanksgiving do for the winter
Mute Swan
Nerds on trikes
Be sure to close the door all the way
When good Microswaves go bad
1001 things to do while waiting for a compile
Bug fix # 8
Bug fix # 22
Bug fix # 103
Bug fix # 132
Cat and Mouse game
Old Professor
Standing on the corner
Stone sharks
Ever have one of those feelings?
Top Psycho (around first Iraq war
Ode to Bob Weber (teacher, cartoonist)
Software request from the middle east
The Grim Reaper at Home
Elevator trick #35
Just the Facts Maam
Drag 'n Drop
Model A computer
I didn't vote for him either
Website real estate
Mondays for Superman
Spandex mini skirt
Tough Morning ?
HandyTalkie busted
Big T, the man, the legend
No you can't take the 5wpm test 4 times
Save with a ham radio antenna
I finally have enough power for mobile DX
Hey OM, how's the Bike-a-Thon going?
Just your local Ham Radio guy
Can you hear me now?
Stop being a couple of animals
Really mean sharks
Ok, Who's not buckled up
Gotta keep up with the times, right?
Umpire convention
Happy New Year!
He never rides bro, he's just here to keep up our bad-ass image
Heh heh heh
Two words--Rain Suit
That weather guy better hope we never meet.
1905: Francis and Freelan Stanley takes the Stanley Steamer in a different direction.
You can ride, but you've only got one night so no taking the long way.
Midnight Biker Supply
I like the electric performance, but I LOVE THE SOUND!
Be mine
Man, what a ride!
Chat GPT, you've gone too far!
Wishful thinking
Too cold to ride, no way!
I take hydration seriously
Yee Hah!
There Goes The Summer
Hog with attitude
My turn with the kids

The baseball kid
A camel ate my disk
Ghost Dusters!
I'm bored!
Testing 3D games
It's the toe cheese
Osama getting terrorist ideas
All yours kid
Happy St' Paddy's day
Still riding
Ready for Spring!