The Dr. is in!
 | I don't mind reusing objects, but the sorting drives me nuts!
 | When Mail servers go postal
Do you think we've overdone the metaphor
 | Agents on the web
 | Ok, here's the primary domain server, and we'll be running TCP/IP to the clients…
Distributed Objects on the Web
 | Hello Legacy Maintenance
 | Project management isn't that hard, with the right tools of course
I understand the list is important, but the network is down.
 | Well I'll be, some kid hacked himself out of the Bad List
 | Y'know that old saw about 10,000 monkeys and Shakespeare? I just updated the idea.
Jack, we need to discuss your network security
 | After Careful analysis, I can identify only one pattern.
 | Intranet, Fast, Secure, Easy
Yeah, it looks like Information Overload alright,
 | 18 months of work to break our applications into distributed modules, and now I can't remember why
 | Hamburger Bill
Dr Zook's Y2K solution
 | That fat web guy that always sits next to you…
 | Replication Services Group, may we help you
Object Testing
 | When Little Java grows up
 | Bills Objects won't talk to mine.
Making money the old fashioned way
 | Test Test Test
 | I've gotta take this, it's a remote procedure call
Hey Harv, your object broker's on the phone
 | I don't know why they keep trying to explain technical stuff to management
 | when are we going to make money
Yes, the stars are in perfect alignment for a debugging session.
 | It must be a guy thing, it does the transaction but it won't commit
 | Where the chips in your head are made
I can't hear you
 | John, I think this project's getting to you
 | Before we start with the design of our system, please take a blindfold.
The DOC Party
 | The Event Driven Paradigm
 | Heh Heh Heh
Mother of all Windows 98 books Website
 | Fat Pepper
 | Migrant Tech Workers
 | Watson, Come here.
 | I'm sorry you're not in the zone, but we have to get a product out.
Viacom? Why not a corba
 | My boy, the future is components
 | Looks like the Audio Feed is down again!
Woody Icon
 | Woodgeek
 | Mild mannered barry
Billy 98
 | I hate bootstrapping these legacy machines
 | Woody Walking - for Wopr Website
 | Y'know OM, you really ought to check that line sometime
 | RF Sniffer
Don't overload the transmitter
 | No ground problems here
 | Here's a choke that will fix the whole problem
FB, but I still don't see how polarizing my antenna's will fix my TVI problem
 | Oh, No, here it goes again
 | Ever since that family moved into the old addams house, I've been getting strange QRM every night
Hurry before he discovers this path
 | Assembler School
 | Basic for Comfort, Assembler for speed
The Register family
 | Jump on not equal
 | Memory in the 8088
PC Interrupts
 | The AH Register is the doorman for Interrupt 21h
 | The Base pointer and Stack Pointer registers
Segmented Registers (AX = AH/AL)
 | The AX register
 | Spaghetti code?
The Stack
 | Accessing variables on the stack with BP
 | pointers
Jump on Sign
 | Using a CMP to test a variable can slow you down
 | Basic Fixed Length strings
set the direction on mov string byte
 | Basic Huge Arrays
 | BX Base Register
CX - The Count Register
 | LEA - Load Effective Address (get both segment and offset)
 | Adding a little assembler to the receipe
Calling Print Screen
 | The Do It All key
 | Using link to create an executable
 | Roll up your sleeves and write some code
 | Some publications of the past
Competition Cooker Label
 | zzzzzzzz
 | Hold on a second while I check the solutions database
Sheesh, middleware people
 | IPO
 | When Good Quakers Go Bad (logo for Al Poors Quaker Band)
Look John, skip the rest of the PowerPoint and get to the demo
 | Web Shoe Store
 | Ebay 100,000 years bc
Streaming Media
 | Nerd E-Commerce conspiracy
 | And I always thought it was a guy thing
Virtual Reality
 | The Laptop Demo
 | Hey Man, aren't you going to shoot me so I can sue for some REAL Money!
For Pete's sake Bill, use the Zoom feature!
 | That's not a good sign, Dude.
 | Bug School
Midnight Computer Supply
 | Squirrel Server 2000
 | Lady Liberty 21st Century Edition
I'm going for about $10k at Southeby's, how about you?
 | Blow the Whistle!
 | See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Natural Born Hackers
 | Modem Animal
 | Zero Latency
And this model is 100% Y2K complient
 | High Score!
 | Bill (Bully) Gates at the battle of Capital Hill!
The Windows 95 Boot sequence
 | Don't worry folks, repairs are almost done
 | This doesn't look promising
His Masters Code
 | I was looking through my husband's bookmarks and Victoria's not so secret anymore!
 | Here's our manager model, it looks great but doesn't do anything
Poke it with a stick!
 | You can't polish a turd…
 | The City Walk
Y'know honey, sometimes I miss the bickering
 | If the internet business model were applied to real life
 | Whadda ya mean, potato, potato, potato…
Privacy Man!
 | Yes we discussed it…
 | I'm thinking about having a few bronzed
I said shave, not aftershave!
 | Hah Hah Hah!!!
 | Ok, who's got the map?
Here's the plan, we lay low for a year, then go.
 | Honey, I think I should lay off the ice pack for a while…
 | Honey, I'm sure the doctor stiched it tight enough not to leak…
Hey, Harry, where's the semen analysis forms?
 | Sorry, we'll need another sample, this time without saliva…
 | Honest, I'll show you the scar!
After everything I went through, now she has a headache!
 | Trick or treat, it's all the same to me…
 | Ah, no computers…", "You can say that again!
Drinkin' from the firehose
 | Rush hour: Evansville, IN
 | Trick or Treat Friendly
Every Tom, Dick, and cat has Help (inside joke…)
 | Professor Poor's HDTV Guides
 | Cinephiles Cover (U of Bridgeport Film School Newsletter)
Airbrush Camera poster (unpublished)
 | Eye diagram
 | Caricature of Rory from Carl Franklin's site (who's Rory?)
Rough caricature for Martell (never used)
 | Robin for a surplus website
 | Caricature of Michael Miller used for Browser Bob article
A bad day on the highway
 | Couch Potato
 | Going Mobile!
When Pigs Fly
 | Percoset Haze
 | Send out for software
I hope we don't look back at these as the good old days
 | The rats are jumping from the ship
 | Look, I can't bring you any assignments, you'll have to call your editor!
Clear out aisle 3 and setup the printer testing
 | father time
 | Y2K9
javaman then and now
 | There goes the neighborhood
 | DOJ coming through
Flamingo Air
 | Beach
 | All about the bass
Cool mouse
 | Gate's Motel
 | Jeff's sunrise
lighthouse on the cape
 | Mouse ball
 | Go OJ!
Goin' to work
 | Over the road trucker ad
 | Old secretary
Spread it evenly now girls
 | I don't get this bacon thing
 | Still life faucet
Goth cow
 | Dupont Discovers Nylon
 | What Turkeys that make it past Thanksgiving do for the winter
 | Icehole
 | Mute Swan
Nerds on trikes
 | Be sure to close the door all the way
 | When good Microswaves go bad
1001 things to do while waiting for a compile
 | Bug fix # 8
 | Bug fix # 22
Bug fix # 103
 | Bug fix # 132
 | Cat and Mouse game
Old Professor
 | Standing on the corner
 | STRIKE!!!
Stone sharks
 | Ever have one of those feelings?
 | Top Psycho (around first Iraq war
Ode to Bob Weber (teacher, cartoonist)
 | Software request from the middle east
 | The Grim Reaper at Home
Elevator trick #35
 | Just the Facts Maam
 | Drag 'n Drop
Model A computer
 | I didn't vote for him either
 | Website real estate
Mondays for Superman
 | Spandex mini skirt
 | Tough Morning ?
HandyTalkie busted
 | Big T, the man, the legend
 | No you can't take the 5wpm test 4 times
Save with a ham radio antenna
 | I finally have enough power for mobile DX
 | Hey OM, how's the Bike-a-Thon going?
Just your local Ham Radio guy
 | Can you hear me now?
 | Stop being a couple of animals
Really mean sharks
 | Ok, Who's not buckled up
 | Gotta keep up with the times, right?
Umpire convention
 | Steeeerike!
 | Happy New Year!
He never rides bro, he's just here to keep up our bad-ass image
 | Heh heh heh
 | Two words--Rain Suit
That weather guy better hope we never meet.
 | 1905: Francis and Freelan Stanley takes the Stanley Steamer in a different direction.
 | You can ride, but you've only got one night so no taking the long way.
Midnight Biker Supply
 | I like the electric performance, but I LOVE THE SOUND!
 | Be mine
Man, what a ride!
 | Chat GPT, you've gone too far!
 | Wishful thinking
Too cold to ride, no way!
 | I take hydration seriously
 | Yee Hah!
There Goes The Summer
 | Hog with attitude
 | My turn with the kids
The baseball kid
 | A camel ate my disk
 | Ghost Dusters!
 | Hacker
 | I'm bored!
Testing 3D games
 | It's the toe cheese
 | Osama getting terrorist ideas
All yours kid
 | Happy St' Paddy's day
 | Still riding
Ready for Spring!